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Challenges or Sufferings Make One a Better Human Being



There is a gift behind all sufferings

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three important laws of nature. law of karma, law of attraction and conservation of energy

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Believe that sufferings are here to make us evolve and change to better self. Once we overcome sufferings, we will be a changed person. If we can still be of higher vibrational energy eg gratitude, love and peace even during suffering, we can maintain this energy level even when the outside environment is bad. High vibrational energy allow us to connect to higher dimensional beings. If we cannot overcome the suffering, we will have to face it in every rebirth of our life until we win over it. We cannot decide what will happen to us but we can choose how we face it. Eg. when one bad thing happen to us, believe that it is to make us overcome it and not to let it defeat us. Dont allow the bad emtions to affect you throughout the day, let it come and let it go. Always live in a state of peace, joy and love. Believe in the law of karma/attraction which says an evil thoughts/words/actions will result in evil outcome. Nothing is permanent in our lives hence we need to be thankful for everything that we have at present. Past is sad and future is worrisome. Only present is a gift from the Creator.

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