AMIE ONE Our Wish is to grow and nurture all our Wisdom together
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Project Wish : May all Great Vows or Wishes be Fulfilled
Created on : 26 September,2019
Six Great Guidelines 六大宗旨

Introduction 简介

What are the Six Great Guidelines

Not Fighting, Not Being Greedy, Not Seeking, Not Being Selfish, Not Pursuing Personal Advantage, Not lying

We should expand our vision and broaden our views. We should not know only about ourselves, or be aware only of our own family, or know only about our own country's existence. We have to expand the measure of our mind so that it exhaustively fills empty space and pervades the Dharma Realm. We should think on behalf of all mankind, not just scheme for our own sakes. To benefit mankind and not harm mankind: That is the fundamental requirement.


How can we benefit mankind and not harm mankind? We have to practice the six great principles:


1. Do not fight. We do not fight with anyone. You fight with me, but I will not fight with you; you scold me, but I will not scold you; you beat me, but I will not beat you; you bully me, but I will not bully you.


2. Do not be greedy. Once greed arises, you are insatiable. Be it money or material things, you always feels you don't have enough. The greedier you are, the less satisfied you become. The less satisfied you are, the greedier you get. You are greedy into your old age, but you still don't wake up. You are harmed by greed your whole life. When you die, you still feel there is some matter or some object you haven't obtained, and you feel deep regret. How pitiful this is! The second great principle is not to be greedy for money, benefits, or fame--in general, not to be greedy for anything whatsoever.


3. Do not seek. Seeking is pretty similar to greed. Greed is abstract and invisible. Seeking means to actually go out and exploit one's connections, seeking by hook or by crook. What does one seek? One seeks money and material things. In general, one seeks for all kinds of benefits. We seek inwardly, not outwardly. We seek within our minds, sweeping away all the false thoughts of our ignorant mind, our mad mind and wild nature, our jealousy and obstructiveness, our greed, anger, stupidity, and so forth. We don't apply cosmetics on the outside. Instead we adorn the inside and make it pure. There is a saying, “When people reach the state of seeking nothing, their character will naturally be noble.” When we don't seek from others, our character will naturally be pure and lofty, free of dirty thoughts.

第三「不求」:这个「求」字和「贪」字差不多。 「贪」是若有若无;「求」是实际地企求,到处去拉拢关系,不择手段地求,求什么?求金钱,求物质;总而言之,求一切利益。是向内求,不向外求。内求于心,把痴心妄想、狂心野性、妒忌障碍、贪瞋痴等,扫除干净,不向外边粉刷,而把内边庄严清净。所谓:「人到无求品自高。」不求于人,品格自然清高,没有那些邋遢的思想。

4. Do not be selfish. Why has the world deteriorated to such a state? Because people have been too selfish. If it's something that they will gain benefit from, they will be the first to do it. However, if it's something that won't benefit them in any way, they stand aside and watch, or make some sarcastic remarks with the attitude of watching fire from a safe distance. There are many kinds of selfishness. There is selfishness with regard to position, selfishness with regard to reputation, selfishness with regard to power, and selfishness with regard to money. To put it in a nutshell, if people care only about themselves and not about others, it is always because their selfishness is acting up. Living in this world, people should help each other and offer mutual support. We should learn to have the spirit of saving those in difficulty upon hearing their suffering. We should not gloat over others' misfortunes. If people in this world were not selfish, then we would all get along harmoniously like one family. But because we are selfish, we've created a lot of problems. Therefore, not being selfish is the fourth great principle.

第四「不自私」:世界为什么坏到这种程度?都因为人人太自私。对自己有利益的事,便争先恐后去做;若是对自己没有利益,就袖手旁观,或者以隔岸观火的心情来说风凉话。自私有多种,对于地位自私,对于名誉自私,对于权利自私,对于金钱自私。一言以蔽之,一切的一切都因为自私在作怪,所以不管他人,只顾自己。人生存在这个世界,就要互相帮忙、互相援助,所以应学习闻苦救难,不可有幸灾乐祸的心理。 世人若是没有自私心,便能和任何人和睦相处,如同一家人。因为有自私心,才弄出很多的问题,所以不自私是第四大宗旨。

5. Not pursuing personal advantage. This principle is even more important than the fourth principle of not being selfish. There is no one who doesn't want to pursue personal advantage. But people certainly have to refrain from pursuing personal advantage for the world to improve. To not pursue personal advantage means to benefit others and forget about oneself. That's known as sacrificing oneself for others. We don't benefit ourselves; we only benefit others, save others, and enlighten others.


6. Do not lie. This means having no intention to cheat people. Why do people tell lies? Because they're afraid of losing benefits to themselves and afraid of suffering losses. Thus, they lie. If we always treat people honestly and sincerely, then we will naturally be able to uphold the principle of not lying.


Today I have briefly introduced the six great principles to you. If I were to explain them in detail, I would never be able to finish. If you can practice these six great principles, then you will benefit from them all your life. The benefit is not superficial.


We have to do our best to help this world take the path towards peace and light. Don’t always be unable to forget yourself. Each one of us should not fight, not be greedy, not seek, not be selfish, not pursue personal advantage, and not lie. If everyone can be this way, then there won’t be any more wars in the world, nor will there be any more plundering or robbing. In general, contention and greed turn people topsy-turvy. If we can all be devoid of thoughts of fighting and greed, then the world will be at peace. Therefore, no matter what field or profession you belong to, you should fulfill your own obligation and responsibility and do something to help the country and the people. Everyone should remember these guidelines. If you can truly avoid contending, being greedy, seeking for advantages, being selfish, pursuing private gain and lying, the society will surely be in harmony, families will be happy and our world will be at peace.




Not Fighting 不争 


We should be amiable and courteous to people. We cannot be arrogant and look down on everyone.


You must endure the insults that ordinary people find unendurable.


Not going against what is proper and right is known as virtuous conduct. Not hindering others is morality. In whatever you do, you should make it your obligation to help others. If you hinder others and cannot benefit them in terms of profit, time, culture, wisdom, or any other aspect, you are acting contrary to morality. Therefore, in every move and action, every word and deed, we should always make "not going against morality" our basic rule.


No matter who obstructs you, you should accept it. "When adversity comes, compliantly accept it." Anyone who is unkind or unreasonable to you is just your Good and Wise Advisor. If you can compliantly accept adversity and calmly handle unexpected or unreasonable situations, then your skill in patience can be seen. Don't be moved because of a single sentence that someone says. Some people think "being unmoved" means to be without shame and remorse, but that's wrong. The kind of "being unmoved" you should cultivate is being able to endure what others cannot endure--that's true skill.


Cultivators must avoid fighting at all costs. Don't be so belligerent and eager to fight.


We shouldn't criticize other people as soon as we meet them. If we're always looking at the faults of others, it proves that our own suffering hasn't come to an end. We haven't pulled up the roots of suffering.


Patience is of utmost importance; you must endure the things that you ordinarily find unendurable. For instance, maybe you don't want to put up with a scolding, but if someone scolds you, you should be happy about it. Perhaps you don't want to be beaten, but if someone beats you, you should be even happier.


Cultivating the Way is, in fact, cultivating from the reverse. How do we flip it over? It is simply a matter of learning to like what you dislike. You shouldn't, however, pass on to other people the things that you don't like.


Patience is something cultivators cannot be without. Only with the power of patience can we cultivate. Without patience, all talk of cultivation is in vain.


When you encounter a situation that doesn't go your way, you must bear up under it and yield to it. Don't fight with anyone. If you can cultivate, but you can't be patient and you freely let your temper go at any time, you'll burn to ashes all the merit and virtue that you cultivated through such painstaking, bitter effort.


"No matter who treats me badly, I will not feel anger or hatred towards them. I will treat all people sincerely and influence them naturally with that sincerity. In this way their hostility will be transformed into friendliness, their swords changed to plowshares."


Cultivating the Way is simply a matter of gaining the ability to endure. As it's said, "Patience is a priceless jewel." You can experience true happiness only if you can bear up under all situations.


If you choose not to cultivate virtuous conduct yourself, don't keep others from cultivating virtuous conduct. If you do obstruct others in these ways, then you must discipline and reform yourself.


You cannot be arrogant and assume that you're higher and better than everyone else.


If someone insults you and spreads tales about you, you shouldn't mind. You should let it pass, come what may. The entire episode will eventually calm down all by itself.


Cultivators of the Way should be like water, humble and modest, neither contending for merit nor striving for virtue. They bestow advantages on others and keep the disadvantages for themselves.


The highest kind of goodness resembles water,
As it benefits all things and never contends.
It stays in places that most people despise,
And thus it approaches the Way.


We make kindness and compassion our duty and expedient resourcefulness our practice as we rescue living beings from the sea of suffering. 


Any thoughts of victory and defeat do not accord with the creed of a cultivator and stand in opposition to the Way.


People who slander us are really our Good and Wise Advisors. When we've performed correctly, but somebody finds fault with our job, then we should strive to further improve, and take one more step from atop the hundred-foot pole. "The person who finds my faults I will treat as my teacher." An individual who can point out our shortcomings is our teacher. We ought to show him gratitude and never feel antagonism or hostility towards him.


Things pass by quite easily,
But a bad temper's truly hard to change.
If you can never get angry,
You've got a pearl beyond price.
Then, if you can never know hatred,
Everything will go your way.
Since afflictions never bother you anymore,
Your evil karma no longer comes to call.
But someone who knows only to criticize others
Is one whose own suffering has not yet ended.


Truly recognize your own faults,
And don't discuss the faults of others.
Others' faults are simply my own faults:
Being one in substance with all is called Great Compassion.


The greater the hardship, the more energetic you are. Even when surrounded by adversity, you remain calm. You don't feel mistreated, and you don't complain to heaven or blame others. You bear adversity and cultivate patience. That's the kind of skill you ought to have.


Always look for good in what appears to be the opposite. "If you fail to achieve your goal, seek the reason within yourself." Don't be so defensive.


If you don't scold or berate others, you create merit and virtue.


If you harbor deviant views and wish to harm people, your practice is demonic. Demons want to harm people, while genuine cultivators would never harm anyone under any circumstances. 


Don't seek revenge on anyone. No matter who mistreats you, endure it. Be patient, and don't harbor grudges. 


Even if someone is a devil, we won't harm him. We will gather him in and will refrain from attacking him.


No matter how badly someone treats you, don't blame or hurt him or her. Your heart should be as vast as the universe, so that it can encompass all the myriad phenomena. 


We should never engage in rebellious activities, for that's very dangerous.


What's meant by singleminded concentration? Not having malicious thoughts towards others. If you harbor thoughts of malice, you'll later find yourself in danger. It's said, "If you engage in many unrighteous acts, you only bring death upon yourself." In harming others, you are actually harming yourself. "If you kill a person's father, someone will kill your father. If you kill a person's brother, someone will kill your brother." This is the law of cause and effect. 
