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Challenges or Sufferings Make One a Better Human Being



What goes around comes around.

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When we already gone through that difficult moments in life, it’ll make us understand better the need to help others who are now in need of help.

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What we do good to others, one day the goodness that we spread will get back to us when we need help but if we do or spread bad things then the same bad things will find its way back to us. So keep spreading good positive vibes so more goodness will come back in return to us and also it’ll makes the world a better place to live in.

Through hardship, we feel and experiences the need of helping. Those will be moments that we expect the need of help come to us during the moments of in need.

Having been through hardship myself where life for myself and my kids were way worse than now, it open up my eyes the need to open my arms and help others in whatever ways I possibly can.

I try to help others and reach out to people who needs help and connect them to people or organisations that they can get the help they need. I try to be a listening ear to close friends who are now stuck in challenging moments in their life.

While doing my very small little parts to help others, more help comes back to me which makes me able to stand back better and stronger when I’m in need of help again now due to medical reasons that I’m in now.

So whatever we do and give others, doesn’t matter monetary help or any form of help, will always have a ripple effect on us. It’ll make us also understand better the important of community help and helping those around us when they’re in need. Doesn’t matter it to be big or small form of help.

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