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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



The root cause of greed is comparison with others

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Greed does not allow one to think neutrally as it takes away all rational thinking .

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Greed has been identified as undesirable through human history because it creates conflict between personal and social goals.

Greed does not allow one to think neutrally , it takes away all rational thinking . For eg- excess eating may lead to obesity, excess drinking can cause fatal illness. The same way greed for power and wealth can also be dangerous not just individually but also for society.

Human are social and cultural animals , they will never be satisfied with whatever they have, they are always hungry for more. Human fail to realise that GREED MAKES THEM POOR.

Greed can make people do strange things, even some unlawful acts. People see an opportunity to make more money through something they consider harmless , albeit illegal but then they get caught, face prison and destroy their careers.

Greedy people usually hoard their possessions, never give to charity and stockpile their wealth. This is not a good way to manage money.They even wont hesitate stealing from people just to add a little more to their pile.

Greedy people also sometimes end up in gambling . they want to see their money multiply and in the end they lose everything.

The more people have, the more people want. Families break because of materialism, siblings go to court of matters of inheritance . They do such acts because they have lost all wisdom, they have no sense of judgement anymore.

The root cause of greed is comparison with others, we should never compare ourselves with others and be content with what we have.

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