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How not to let Love & Desire end up in Greed & Anger?



Feelings are normal, it depends on how you react or reciprocate them.

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We control who we are in order to shape the person we become. If we were to let go and give in to our own feelings, what is to become of ourselves?

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The trick to overcome Greed and Anger is to analyze the nature of these feelings, understand the cause of it, then deal with them appropriately; cultivate a positive attitude, which automatically will counteract these negative feelings and then try to avoid situations in which these feelings arise. It is definitely not easy but with constant practice it will become a habit. Only a person who has the courage and ability to acknowledge his or her faults will be at peace.

Greed results in feelings of stress, anger, jealousy, etc. e.g one is caught in the pursuit of more and more money, it will affect the emotional and physical health therefore not allowing them to give their best to their work and relationships. Which in turn teaches us to be thankful for what we have as not everyone is fortunate as we are.

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion. However, it can be a problem if you find it difficult to keep it under control. We first have to learn how to control it. steps to be taken are such you should recognise your anger signs; such as your heart beating faster, fists clenching etc, its best to get out of the place before you lose control. after which counting to 10 helps as well as slow breathing in & out it will help you to think more clearly. To manage anger in the long run, helps to talk about how you feel, let go of angry thoughts because it's unhealthy to the mind & pyhsically too.

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