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Most Memorable Gift



Giving Benefits Both The Giver and Receiver

Your Quote or Supposed Reason

My Quote will be " The hand of the giver is better than the hand of the receiver." Because When we give, we are putting ourselves in a place of humility.

Details Of Your Entry

I have 6 Kids of my own ranging from 8yo to 4mths old. Yes it is challenging in all aspects eg. Emotionally, physically, financially,mentally.
But that doesnt stop me from rendering assistance to my family members eg. Parents and siblings whenever they are in need. Assistance doesnt mean just monetary it can also mean physically and psychologically.
I always find time to render assistance to my mother in law and father in law especially as they are IT illiterate and often in need of help.
When they are having shortage of cash, I render the help but not much as I have this mindset we will go through all the hurdles together. Through thick and thin.
Doesnt mean the Giver is Superior in any way whereas the receiver is perceive as beggars. NO! But through the act of giving and sharing, it will take us to a better place of humility. A more down to earth human beings.

My thoughts and experience.

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