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Most Memorable Gift



The most memorable gift is your presence

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“The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

Details Of Your Entry

The most memorable gift does not mean the most expensive one. Often, it is the mindful thought behind that matters more.

I would like to share a personal experience during my study abroad programme in South Korea. Upon arrival at the airport, slightly lost, I met a kind korean couple who offered to bring me to my destination. We exchanged contacts and in the weeks that followed, they would bring me to various iconic locations to experience local food and culture. They also warmly invited me to their house for home-cooked korean food. Touched and grateful for their hospitality, I see them as my second family and still frequently keep in contact. What left the greatest impression was they never once asked for anything in return but simply offered to show me around their country. When they visit Singapore, I would love to show them around our little island and share the best places, the same way they did :)

In summary, a great gift to me is one where thought has been put in to show the recipient that they are loved and cared for. In fact, one of the best gifts from the trip was getting to know these people and forming genuine connections. In our daily lives, extending this love and care to our family and friends is often the best gift we can offer.

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