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Most Memorable Gift



The power of giving with the mind and the body in a wholesome state

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Do not underestimate the power of a small gift, not only can it can make a difference to someone's else's life, it will make a difference to our own life if we know how to give.

Details Of Your Entry

I would consider myself to be very blessed, because I have receive more than 1 or 2 gifts that are memorable, useful or special.

The most useful gift is this human body I received from my parents - especially my mother, who have taken much pain and toil to do this, without which I could not obtain the other gifts. During our childhood and teenage years, most parents are especially unconditional in their giving to us without demanding us to repay them except with the hope that we will be a good person when we are adults.

The most special gift is from my spiritual mentors who taught me without wanting anything in return for themselves. The teachings they gave were not about how to score As or skill up to make money and be successful in life, but very important ones such as how to change my bad habits deep inside, correct wrong understandings I have, and how to properly use our human life and energy so as not to waste it away etc.. These teachings are so scarce on the earth now and mentors who can teach these and be able to conduct themselves according to these teachings are so difficult to find. I have one mentor who have spent so much effort over many years scolding and teaching me without asking for anything in return except that I can improve and change myself.

The most memorable gift is from my superior and friend, among all the friends I ever knew, she was the only one who gave me things which she thought was good for me - time and again until I felt I owe her so much that I can't repay her. She also correct my bad behavior and taught me what is right or wrong, without demanding anything in return or me performing in my job or me easier for her to manage. Not only me, but she is always thinking how to help other people at work and in her life.

Our intention has to be free of 5 unwholesome states when we are giving so as to make the giving itself wonderful:
the desire to gain something in return, wanting to get rid of something we dislike, because of fear, because of wrong understanding, or because of duty as part of the family custom. These are all non-ideal intentions.

I think when they gave, they felt joyous and hopeful that I can improve and change myself, and they also have to be patient when I am rebellious so it helps train and equip their minds with patience. These are wholesome states of the mind.

Regardless how big or small the gift is - be it a physical gift, a verbal gift, or just a mental gift to wish others well - we should give often with wholesome states of mind so we can train and equip our beautiful minds.

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