AMIE ONE Our Wish is to grow and nurture all our Wisdom together
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Relationships in Life



Take full responsibility of our mind, speech and behavior in all our interactions with others and when we are alone. Observe discipline in our life to avoid disharmony with others.

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What goes around comes around

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The gambler man was irresponsible for his family and even when given a chance to change, he chose to kick them out of his life to be with his mistress. His behavior came back to harm himself in the end - where the mistress kick him out 20 years later.

Discipline with ourselves by observing the 6 kinds of harmonious relationship friends, family or colleagues.
We can practice the 6 harmonies towards our relationship with others:

1) to be harmonious physically -
not to take advantage or abuse others physically, instead to care for them e.g. when they are sick etc..

2) to be harmonious verbally -
not to verbally abuse, cheat, lie, speak divisive speech, slander, talk dirty, rude etc. to others and try to speak mindfully.

3) to be harmonious mentally -
not to hold negative thoughts towards others like jealousy, resentment, grievance, etc. Understand everyone is trying their best and we are not the smartest who knows what is best for all.

4) to be harmonious in the rules and regulations that we keep -
by observing and keeping to the same rules we share in the family, work, community etc.

5) to be harmonious in the views that we hold -
share the same and similar views, if we do not, we try to accommodate and understand others point of view

6) to be harmonious in how we share the things we receive -
share the resources we have with the family, at work and with the community, avoid being selfish

In discipline ourselves, we can observe the 5 constants:

1) Benevolence - with this in mind, we will not physically, verbally and mentally abuse and harm others
2) Righteousness - with this in mind, we will not physically, verbally and mentally steal from or be greedy for what others have
3) Respect - with this in mind, we will not physically, verbally and mentally take advantage of others
4) Trustworthiness - with this in mind, we will not physically, verbally and mentally try to deceive others
5) Wisdom - with this in mind, we will not physically, verbally and mentally hurt ourselves or others because our mind and thoughts are clear and we are not easily swayed by negative emotions


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