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Relationships in Life



Love a person as a whole including his fart

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Never give up on someone you love, always believe things will get better.

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Henry and I have been married for almost 2 decades. I really enjoy his companion. However our relationship starts to sour last year. Henry became addicted to spicy and fried food in the past 1 year. His addictive has led to his digestive problem to be worsen. The nightmare came whenever we need to share in an aircon room to sleep. As he tends to fart continously which wakes me up due to the overwhelming smell and noise. As I really can't tolerate this anymore, so I have to sleep with my kid in another room. However things get worse whenever we are in an enclosed area especially in a lift with strangers. To make him understand how I feel, I tried to talk to him and change his diet gradually. Henry takes my advice as he really feels embarrassed of unable to control his farting. He has heed doctor's advice to improve the symptoms. I am glad that now Henry has a healthier lifestyle with less farting issue. His confidence in socialism has improved. Never give up on someone you love, always believe things will get better.

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