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Resolving conflicts in Life



My Personal Strategies for Effective Conflict Resolution in Life

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An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind. — Mahatma Gandhi

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Conflict is an inevitable aspect of human existence, manifesting in various forms, from minor disagreements to profound disputes like war. Resolving conflicts is crucial for personal growth, wisdom, and the cultivation of harmonious relationships. Below are some strategies I've learnt on conflict resolution which adopts proactive communication, openness to feedback, and maintaining a humane and ethical demeanor during disagreements.
One fundamental strategy to reduce conflicts is addressing issues early, even if they may appear trivial at first. This involves expressing needs upfront to prevent resentment from building up over time. For example, in social group settings, quiet individuals may silently follow the majority rather than voicing their own preferences. Overtime, they may grow resentful that their needs are unmet. Such situations can be averted through open discussions that seek mutually satisfying outcomes.
Secondly, effective communication is key in conflict resolution. Finding common ground and recognizing shared goals can diffuse tensions. For example in the workplace, acknowledging that we are all here to earn a wage and support our families humanises people and aligns our shared interest to contribute to the success of the company. Additionally, being open to self-reflection and constructive feedback allows room for personal and collective growth. Expressing gratitude to feedback providers fosters an environment where learning and improvement are encouraged.
Lastly, during an argument, adopt a neutral tone and focus on resolving the conflict at hand. Being the bigger person involves resisting the urge to respond negatively when the other party becomes confrontational. It requires a commitment to finding resolution and preventing further escalation, even when faced with challenging situations. Avoid hurtful words or actions in the heat of the moment however tempting it may be as this would potentially cause irreparable damage to relationships.
In conclusion, conflict resolution is an essential skill for navigating the complexities of human relationships. By proactively addressing issues, fostering open communication, and maintaining a humane and ethical approach during disagreements, individuals can significantly reduce conflicts in various aspects of life. The key lies in a commitment to nip issues early before resentment builds, recognizing shared goals, and adopting a composed and constructive demeanor in the face of conflict. Through these strategies, individuals can live in peace and exist harmoniously.

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